Blessed With Brothers

A Muslimah’s Day to Day Life

The Elephant January 30, 2009

Filed under: Islam — blessedwithbrothers @ 1:21 am
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Yesterday my brother started making a poster for a Quran competition. He was searching the web for a good, non-cliche picture and searched “Quran” on Flickr. This was the first picture that came up. An elephant kneeling and listening to a boy reciting Quran. I loved it! I’m not sure if it’s altered or not, but it looks awesome 🙂

The first thing that came to my mind when I saw this picture was Surah Fil. Can you imagine the desert people of Mecca running for their lives from Abraha, to the mountains of Mecca, leaving the Kaaba seemingly unprotected. Now imagine GIANT elephants; creatures you have never seen in your life marching towards your town; towards the sacred Kaaba. Then, right when the Kaaba is about to be destroyed, this giant creature of Allah disobeys his human master to obey his Ultimate Master.

There is no obedience to the creation, when their is disobedience to the Creator. I guess this even applies in animal’s lives.

Overall, a really nice picture.